Course Overview It takes a lot to be a professional character artist. A good character artist knows his or her way around all the artistic AND technical aspects of the job. It's not just sculpting, it's topology. It not just texture painting, it's setting up shaders to make the character believable. And it's not just exporting a few OBJs and handing it off to the animator, it's knowing how to connect all those bits and pieces into one cohesive, game-ready model. It's that comprehensive skill set the Raphael Boyon is going to begin to teach you in this 8-part course. As a Senior Character Artist for Ubisoft, Raphael knows his way around every aspect of the Character Pipeline for Games, and has the ability to break it down for you in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Rahael starts by teaching you how to sculpt realistic faces, underlying bone structure in the different types of facial pores. He then discusses sculpting the body, covering proportions, anatomy and anatomical variations the build believability. Next Raphael teaches how to UV a character, how to translate high resolution detail onto low-resolution meshes, and how to paint textures. Raphael completes his course by explaining the final step in any game character creation pipeline, exporting it to the game engine.
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