Blender 建模基础教程Top Tutorials To Learn Blender For 3D Modeling
发布于 2019/03/08 发表者 [ wukuishou ] 关注 浏览 ( 3971 )  14  40

Blender 建模基础教程,是比较基础的软件的工具和技能的介绍和运用,对Blender 感兴趣的同学可以下载学些,是个很强大的软件~~汪



1. Learn 3D Modelling — The Complete Blender Creator Course

Use Blender to create beautiful 3D models for video games, 3D printing, house design etc. No prior knowledge required. In this course, you will:

Use Blender and understand it’s interface

Understand the principles of modelling

Create 3D models with simple colors

Learn the basics of animation

Explore and have fun with particle effects

Create your own materials

UV map and unwrap your models

Export your models to external packages

Create assets for video games. Make unique 3D printed gifts. Design your dream house, car, etc Express yourself through 3D artwork.

Learn how to create 3D Models and Assets for games using Blender, the free-to-use 3D production suite. This course starts super simple so you’ll be ok with little or no experience.

The course is project-based, so you will be applying your new skills immediately to real 3D models. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources. There are talking-head videos, powerful diagrams, quality screencasts and more.

You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. By the end of the course you’ll be very confident in the basics of 3D modelling and rendering, and hungry to learn more.

2. Creating 3D environments in Blender

This course helps you creating wonderful environment scenes, organizing your workflow, and find the right inspiration. In this course, you’ll learn:

Creating stunning unique environments

Organize your workflow to make large environment scenes

All scene assets, including buildings, rocks, grass, trees

Full course documentation for the Blender basics chapter

Baking your models and importing in Unity 3D

Through out each of the many lessons you are introduced to the powerful and free Blender 3D program. After becoming familiar with the Blender user interface, you will learn how to create a landscape design from scratch. Finally, this series will show you how to make an organization plan and create a very advanced environment scene including buildings and characters.

You will learn:

Installing Blender and making some simple objects.

Making a fence and add a simple wood texture. You will get in touch with the UV image editor and learn how to apply textures on your model.

How to make a simple shader combination to add moss on the fence.

Start with the building process, first making a simple building, but after making some progress you will start creating more advanced buildings, including ornaments.

Use ‘The Grove 3D’ to generate trees. After the nature part you will make a landscape scene and add all the objects including a sand path with water puddles.

Focus on atmosphere and lighting, using the point and sun lamp to make a light setup.

Use an environment map to light the scene. Use some atmosphere fog to create mist in the scene.

Then it’s time to create the final scene, you start from scratch and use a scene map as a reference and make a rough setup. From that point you build the scene and face all the challenges that comes with environment modeling. This course is recorded in blender 2.78c and 2.79.

3. Learn 3D Animation — The Ultimate Blender Guide

A-Z Guide to Learning 3D Animation and Modeling With Blender to Set You on Your Way to Creating Awesome 3D Artwork. This course brings to you, the following aspects:

Start With the Fundamentals of 3D and Animation, Work your Way Through the Ins and Outs of Blender Creating Projects Along the Way As you Learn & you Finish it With Making A Full Blown Animation!

Become Confident With Navigating and Creating Within Blender and All the Different Tools Used Along the Way!

Step by Step Guide to Creating Your Very First Cartoon Character

Animate Your Character For A Finished Product

End With The Confidence and Know How to Be Able to Create Your Own Projects and Animations From Just An Idea to Finished Product

Use the skills you learn to then create your own artwork and animations

In this course, you will learn the skills of 3D art which will enable you to create your very own 3D artwork.

At the end of this course, you will be able to create your own characters and animation scenes and know all the different steps that it takes to go from nothing to a fully finished animation project.

This course is project based so you will be using the skills you learn along the way to create some awesome artwork and animations.

4. Learn Blender 3D Modeling for Unity Video Game Development

Learn to Create or Edit Props, Design Levels, Apply Material and Simple Animations using Blender 3D for Unity Developers. You will learn how to:

Design Unity game props and levels like a pro using Blender 3D

Make adjustments to Unity Assets (props) by importing them into Blender.

Animate Traps and other obstacles for you game designs

Design Modular Levels for your Unity Games

Create your own Unity props with confidence using Blender 3D

Whether you’re interested in designing unique 3D props for your games, building awesome

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