Mari 4.6新版本发布
发布于 2019/11/07  |  发表在 [ 3D类 ]    浏览 ( 3094 )      9
Mari 4.6新版本发布。从最早期影视级别的MARI1.5到现在的4.6,针对影视及高端贴图需求MARI还是不二选择,新的版本看预告视频,终于像Substance Painter看齐了,有智能材质节点及程序化纹理生成工具,更强大的节点控制,先不管会不会用,看着就高大尚!

Foundry’s Mari 4.6 has been released! Mari 4.6 brings updates to our Material System, introducing new Geo-Channels, alongside a vast array of new Procedural Nodes which offer a variety of patterns and filters for a more efficient workflow.Discover 4.6 features here: - Geo-ChannelsWith our new extended Material System with Geo-Channels you can import mesh maps into named slots on your model or bake Modo presets from within Mari.  Inject mesh maps anywhere in the Node Graph and use them to drive material looks with AO and Curvature Use Bake Points to bake graph networks and sync results to all matching Geo-Channel nodes- Node Graph We’ve made improvements to the Node Graph, so you can now collapse all Node ports. We’ve also introduced a “Stream Collapse” state for your Multi-Channel nodes. Display your parallel streams by a single connection and improve your node layout with our new Auto-placement- New ProceduralsWe’ve introduced new procedure nodes/layers to enhance your workflows. Our Projection node improves decal placement workflows. The Camera Projection layers enable live tweaking of photogrammetry and our new Curvature allows for quick masking. Explore the New fractals for organic patterns or discover our new procedural patterns to add detail - Material System ImprovementsWith updates to Mari’s Material System  You can now generate thumbnails with your own objects, HDRIs and Geo-Channels  Increase the complexity of ingested presets using material templates and fine tune ingestion search patterns using the new results display- Vendor Shaders Discover our two new vendor shaders The 3Delight Principled shader from the 3Delight team and the new VRayMtl shader from the Chaos Group  Your Look Development has never been more streamlined 

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yanzhilin2019/11/30 16:04

太棒了  66666 下载试试

n33515412019/11/11 11:26


luodefu2019/11/08 09:51
