发布于 2020/04/01  |  发表在 [ 3D类 ]    浏览 ( 3588 )      6
Lookdev Kit 2.0 RELEASED - Free tool for Maya/Arnold to help you in your lookdev tasks.这是一款免费的MAYA视觉开发插件。

Lookdev Kit 2.0 RELEASED - Free tool for Maya/Arnold to help you in your lookdev tasks.这是一款免费的MAYA视觉开发插件。作者Dusan Kovic,看介绍,因为开刚开发的版本,可能还有很多小问题和BUG,插件不支持MAYA2017版本,支持MAYA2018以上。以下是原版介绍信息:

作者A站:https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mqB8DZ 可以免费下载,也可以捐赠几美元表示支持。




This is my first Python project. Expect bugs and crashes. If something doesn't work well please contact me on ArtStation. 

Bugs and crashes will be fixed in time and the project itself will be updated. 

Final goal of this is to write it in Python 3 for all render engines and all DCCs. But it will take a while...

Also, it is a free tool, use it as is. I hope you will find it usefull. 


First release will only work on Microsoft Windows (Linux support is planned).

I have tested Lookdev Kit 2.0 on Maya 2020 and MtoA 4+. Also, couple of my friends tried it on Maya 2018 and 2019. 

All newer Arnold version should be compatible.

It doesn't work on Maya 2017. So, you need Maya 2018 or higher. 


- copy entire lookdev_kit folder from .zip to your MyDocuments Maya scripts folder. It is usually here:


- from folder lookdev_kit\shelf copy the shelf_dk_mtoa_lookdev.mel and paste it here:


- run Maya and you will have a shelf with LDV kit button


If you don't want my shelf you can create button by yourself:

- open script editor and in PYTHON tab paste following code:

from lookdev_kit import ldv_kit



You can always select that code in script editor and middle-click-drag it to your shelf to create a button, so you can call it when needed.


You can find features video here:


If some stuff doesn't look exactly like in video, I probably changed some things.

Also, you can check out my web page for future updates and blog posts about Lookdev Kit.

HDR images taken from hdrihaven.com

Created by Dusan Kovic - dusankovic.com

Thanks to Aleksandar Kocic (aleksandarkocic.com) for some tips to make this more usable. Also thanks to all my friends who "beta tested" Lookdev kit.

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