Arnold Brushstroke Shader
发布于 2020/04/02  |  发表在 [ 3D类 ]    浏览 ( 3161 )      7
Arnold Brushstroke Shader,作者Zeno Pelgrims开发的ARNOLD渲染器笔刷效果材质SHADER,用于表现3D渲染呈现2D绘画笔触画面质感效果,赞!

Key elements to simulate

  • 1. Quantized patches of color, aka brushstrokes. Disregarding the mixing of colours, the basic principle of painting is to put some colour on your brush and put it on the canvas.

  • 2. Break up object edges. Nothing shouts "hey i'm 3d" as much as a perfect object edge.

  • 3. Correct layering of brushstrokes. Painters often start with big brush strokes and detail selectively with small brushstrokes.

  • 4. Correct orientation of the brushstrokes.

The answer to this ended up being a rendered point cloud as camera-facing cards. Ofcourse not straight out of the box, so let's dive into the details:


Correct layering of brushstrokes

It's important to layer multiple sizes of brushstrokes. Start with a sparse pointcloud with large cards, and layer smaller sets on top to selectively add detail into places where your eye should focus.



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sbe10012020/08/10 15:26
