3ds Max 2021.2 Released
发布于 2020/08/28  |  发表在 [ 3D类 ]    浏览 ( 2888 )      8
主要更新了Smart Extrude system智能化挤出挤入命令,Spline Chamfer modifier 样条曲线修改器,Chamfer improvements倒角命令器功能优化,Selection Improvements选择优化,其他的改进还有“PBR混合着色器”以及新的“OSL着色器等。

Autodesk has released 3ds Max 2021.2. The release includes updates focused on providing better performance and bringing modernization into the creators’ workflow.

主要更新了Smart Extrude system智能化挤出挤入命令,Spline Chamfer modifier 样条曲线修改器,Chamfer improvements倒角命令器功能优化,Selection Improvements选择优化,其他的改进还有“PBR混合着色器”以及新的“OSL着色器等。

-Key updates关键更新-

It’s way easier now to change the model with smart extrusions and insets.

Explicit normals have been added across multiple modifiers

The selection methods are even smoother and more flexible now

Chamfer improvements are added

With the second version, weighted normals and push modifiers are multi-threaded

The realistic random pattern is possible now with bitmap random tiling OSL

The UI performance of material editor is updated

For fluid simulation, fluids loader works with particle system

To learn more details on the improvements, check the full list on the Autodesk website.

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徘徊者的2020/11/25 10:04


kv548102020/08/28 17:27
