Pixologic ZBrush 4R7发布
发布于 2015/01/31  |  发表在 [ 其他 ]    浏览 ( 16554 )      14
Pixologic ZBrush 4R7发布

Pixologic ZBrush 4R7 Released

Pixologic ZBrush4r7 发布

ZBrush 4R7 is the final iteration within the ZBrush 4 series before we move to ZBrush 5.0. As with our previous point releases, it doesn’t simply make a few minor changes but rather is packed with major additions. In fact, 4R7 is one of the most extensive releases since ZBrush 4 came out.

ZBrush 4r7将是ZBrush5之前4系列的最后一次迭代更新。与之前的版本相比,它不只是做一些小小的改动而是做了很多重要补充。事实上4R7将是zbrush4系列中涵盖最广泛的版本。

Signature features in ZBrush 4R7 include: ArrayMesh, NanoMesh and ZModeler with QMesh. All of these features are useful throughout the creative process, from initial creation of your model to beautifying your artwork. They allow you to stay within ZBrush for more of your workflow, doing things that were either impractical or even outright impossible to accomplish before now.

ZBrush 4r7功能包括:ArrayMesh, NanoMesh and ZModeler with QMesh。所有这些功能对于整个创作过程都是十分有用的,从模型最初创建便开始美化你的作品。他让你能在zbrush中完成更多的工作,而这些事在之前的版本中是无法实现的。

Beyond its feature set, the core of ZBrush is being reworked and ZBrush 4R7 will be the first version of ZBrush that is released with optional 64-bit support. This will allow you to fully harness your machine’s computing power, not only allowing for higher polygon counts but also making it possible for you the artist to create more art in less time!

除了它的功能,ZBrush的核心是改造和ZBrush ZBrush 4r7将发布的可选支持64位的是第一个版本。这将允许您充分利用您机器的计算能力,不仅允许更高的多边形数量也使得艺术家能在更短的时间内创造出更多的艺术!

By purchasing or upgrading to ZBrush 4R7, you will add another set of tools to your arsenal, expanding your artistic freedom and creativity.

通过购买或升级到ZBrush 4r7,您将添加另一套工具,扩大你的艺术自由和创造力。

ZModeler – This smart polygonal modeling system is designed to simplify your creation process. Quickly and dynamically create new shapes, doing so more easily than ever before possible: fuse polygons, delete full blocks of geometry, connect parts with advanced paths, and repeat your actions with a single click!


NanoMesh & ArrayMesh – You as the artist can bring more complexity and detail to your work while still maintaining a low polygon count. Both NanoMesh and Array Mesh will allow for multiple instances of any object to be created and then adjusted in a matter of seconds.

nanomesh &arraymesh–作为艺术工作者在你的工作中在保持低多边形数的同时可以带有更多的复杂性和细节 Both NanoMesh 和 Array Mesh将允许任何对象多个实例被创建,并在几秒钟内,然后调整。

Rendering Enhancements – The BPR Render system will now render all Surface Noise as displacement, deforming the mesh to match the attributes of any procedurally created noise. It is like having a displacement map without needing to actually create the map. See extremely detailed results at render time regardless of polygon count.

渲染增强–BPR渲染系统能够实时渲染所有Surface Noise as displacement,变形网格匹配任何程序创建的的noise属性。这就像有一个displacement map,而不需要实际创建map。能够看到非常详细的实时渲染结果无论多边形数。

ZBrush to KeyShot (ZBridge) – You can seamlessly connect ZBrush with KeyShot 5 to produce hyper-realistic and high quality images. If you don’t already own KeyShot 5 or if its price is simply out of your reach, a “special edition” KeyShot for ZBrush is also available.

ZBrush插件(zbridge)–可以无缝连接ZBrush与KeyShot 5产生超现实的和高质量的图像。如果你没有KeyShot 5或如果它的价格超出了你的接受范围,那么“特别版”的Keyshot 在ZBrush中也可以。

64-Bit Support – Push the boundaries of your imagination with the ZBrush 4R7 64-bit Preview Edition. ZBrush can now tap all available computer memory and processing power for more details, even more complex models and faster operations.

64位支持–与ZBrush 4r7 64位预览版推广你的想象边界。ZBrush现在可以利用所有可用的计算机内存和处理能力处理更多的细节,更复杂的模型以及更快的操作。

ZRemesher 2.0 – Retopologizing has never been this artist-friendly. With a single click, you can automatically produce organic or hard surface topology without spirals. If one-click topology isn’t the right answer for every situation, you can intuitively take control of the re-topology process with curves to assist in determining polygon flow.

zremesher 2–重新拓扑从未如此友好的艺术家。一次点击,就可以自动产生有机或硬表面拓扑结构没有螺旋。如果一个点击拓扑不是任何情况下的正确答案,你可以直观的曲线重新拓扑的过程控制,协助确定多边形流。

FBX Import/Export – To continue improving its integration with the artist’s pipeline, ZBrush 4R7 introduces a new free plugin: FBX Import Export. This supports texture, normal and displacement maps, blendshapes, smoothing based on normals and much more!

FBX导入/导出–继续与艺术家的管道提高其整合,ZBrush 4r7引入了一个新的免费插件:FBX进出口。这支持的纹理,法线和置换贴图,篇,基于平滑法线和更多!

Other Enhancements and Additions – As with past updates, ZBrush 4R7 doesn’t stop at major features. It also includes numerous other additions which will improve your productivity and creativity. A few are:

其他的增强和补充与更新–过去,ZBrush 4r7并不停留在主要特征。它还包括许多其他的补充,这将提高你的生产力和创造力。少数:

Replay Last can now be reapplied to any portion of the model.


Background images applied with the Grid system can now be projected onto your model for a painted guide in your newest creations.


Start any sculpt with the new polygonal Cube, Sphere and Cylinder primitives.


Automatically center the TransPose line on any unmasked, partially visible or symmetrical piece of geometry with one click.


Copy and Paste between Tools, SubTools and even Projects.


And whole lot more!


Upgrade Instructions


ZBrush 4R7 is a free-of-charge upgrade for all registered users of ZBrush on Windows and Mac systems.

4r7 ZBrush是一个免费的升级为所有注册用户需要在Windows和MAC系统。

Upgrading to ZBrush 4R7 requires the use of a stand-alone (full) installer. For this particular upgrade it is not possible to use the Auto-Update feature.

升级到ZBrush 4r7需要独立安装使用(全)。对于这个特定的升级,这是不可能使用自动更新功能。

To download the full installer, CLICK HERE.


If you have ZBrush 3.5 or below, you will need a new serial number. Submit a Support Ticket.


*For our floating license users, the upgrade paths above will not work. In order to ensure that our largest clients receive the most stable version possible, we are delaying the floating license release until mid February. This will allow it to include any required patches from the outset. Please subscribe to the RSS feed on our Support Portal to receive automatic notification when the floating version is released.


Purchasing ZBrush 4R7

购买ZBrush 4r7

ZBrush 4R7 Win and Mac is available for sale in the Pixologic online store 

ZBrush 4r7赢得和MAC在Pixologic在线商店发售

Pixologic will continue to offer ZBrush 4R7 at its current price of USD 795. 

Pixologic将继续在其目前的795美元的价格提供ZBrush 4r7。

Purchasing the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge (ZBridge)

购买ZBrush KeyShot桥(zbridge)

The ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge plugin is required to connect ZBrush 4R7 with KeyShot 5 (any version).

ZBrush到KeyShot桥插件需要ZBrush 4r7与KeyShot 5连接(任何版本)。

It is available for purchase from the Pixologic store for USD 149. 


Purchasing KeyShot for ZBrush


This is a special version of KeyShot 5 with all the features of KeyShot HD, except that it has unlimited render resolution and can only import models via the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge.

这是一个特殊版本的插件5所有KeyShot高清功能,但它有无限的渲染分辨率和只能导入模型通过ZBrush KeyShot桥。

Because KeyShot for ZBrush requires the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge plugin, it is only available as part of a bundle. This may be purchased from the Pixologic store at a special introductory price of USD 249. 

因为Keyshot ZBrush ZBrush插件插件需要的桥梁,它只能作为一个包的一部分。这可从249美元一个特殊的入门价格Pixologic商店购买。

Learning the New Features


Documentation for the new version is installed with ZBrush 4R7. You will find a Documentation folder within your ZBrush installation directory, containing PDF files covering the new features in recently released versions. Online documentation is available at docs.pixologic.com. We will also be adding new movies to the Education section at www.pixologic.com to demonstrate the new features and their use.

为新版本文件安装ZBrush 4r7。你会在你需要安装目录中找到文件的文件夹,包含PDF文件覆盖在最近发布的版本的新功能。在线文档可以在docs.pixologic.com。我们还将增加新的电影教育处www.pixologic.com展示的新特点及其作用。

ZBrush 4R7 also includes your favorite plugins:

ZBrush 4r7还包括你最喜欢的插件:

Blend Shapes . UV Master . Paint Stop . 3D Print Exporter . Decimation Master . ZAppLink . Multi-Map Exporter


TransPose Master . SubTool Master etc…


Special thanks to all those involved in the making of ZBrush 4R7, including: the beta team, artists, ZBrushCentral members and the staff at Pixologic around the world.

特别感谢所有参与的ZBrush 4r7,包括:测试团队,艺术家,ZBrushCentral成员和Pixologic环游世界的工作人员。



Q: How do I get the 64-bit version?


A: It is automatically included with your ZBrush 4R7 installation as a separate application within the same folder. (Note for Windows users: It will NOT be in the “Program Files” directory typically associated with 64-bit applications.) Activating or deactivating the 32-bit version will also affect the 64-bit version. You may run either version at your discretion.

答:它是自动包含在您的ZBrush 4r7安装在同一文件夹中的一个单独的应用程序。(注意:Windows用户:它不会在“程序文件”目录通常与64位应用程序。)激活或停用的32位版本也会影响64位版本。你可以在你的自由裁量权的运行版本。

Q: Why is there still a 32-bit version?


A: The 64-bit upgrade is a major overhaul of ZBrush’s core coding. While we don’t believe that any issues were introduced as part of this rewrite, the only way to be sure is for it to be “in the wild” with thousands of users. If any problems are encountered, the 32-bit version will still be there to fall back on, ensuring that users who depend upon ZBrush for their livelihoods will still be able to work without waiting for a patch. ZBrush 5 will discontinue 32-bit support and will only be available in the 64-bit variety.

答:64位升级大修的ZBrush的核心编码。虽然我们不相信任何问题都作为这个重写的部分,唯一可以肯定的是,它是“野生”与成千上万的用户。如果遇到任何问题,32位版本仍会有回落,确保他们的生计取决于ZBrush的用户仍然可以无需等待一个补丁。ZBrush 5将停止位支持只能在64位的品种可。

Q: Do I need KeyShot?


A: No. ZBrush’s standard and BPR renderer have not gone away and in fact BPR is now better than ever.


Q: If I already have KeyShot, do I need to buy anything else?


A: If you wish to use KeyShot as your default ZBrush renderer, you will need to purchase the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge plugin. You may of course export from ZBrush as OBJ and import into your copy of KeyShot just as you’ve always done. It just won’t be as convenient as using the Bridge. If you already have KeyShot, you DO NOT need to buy KeyShot for ZBrush. You ONLY need the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge (ZBridge).

答:如果你想使用默认的ZBrush的渲染器插件,您将需要购买ZBrush KeyShot桥插件。你可以从ZBrush作为obj导入您的KeyShot出口进程就像你一直做的。它只是将不会使用桥一样方便。如果你已经有了插件,你不需要为需要购买插件。你只需要在ZBrush KeyShot桥(zbridge)。

Q: What are the full details regarding KeyShot for ZBrush?

问:关于Keyshot ZBrush的全部细节是什么?

A: This is a special version of KeyShot 5 HD. It includes all the features of KeyShot HD but has the extra advantage of unlimited render resolution. It also cannot import OBJ models or any other format. It can only import via the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge (ZBridge).

答:这是一个特殊版本的插件5 HD。它包括所有的KeyShot高清特点但有无限的额外优势渲染分辨率。它也无法导入OBJ模型或任何其他格式。它只能导入通过ZBrush KeyShot桥(zbridge)。

Q: Does the ZBrush to KeyShot Plugin include KeyShot?


A: No. You will need a separate license for KeyShot, which may be any version: KeyShot 5 HD, KeyShot 5 Pro, KeyShot Enterprise or KeyShot for ZBrush.

答:你需要一个单独的许可证插件,可以是任何版本:KeyShot 5 HD,KeyShot 5亲,KeyShot企业或KeyshotZBrush。

Q: Does KeyShot for ZBrush include the Bridge?

问:Keyshot ZBrush有桥吗?

A: No. You will need to add both KeyShot for ZBrush and the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge (ZBridge) to your shopping cart in the Pixologic store. However, if you buy them at the same time you will receive the bundled price at checkout.

一:你将需要添加两Keyshot ZBrush和ZBrush KeyShot桥(zbridge)到您的购物车在Pixologic店。然而,如果你买的时候你会同时在结帐收到捆绑价格。

Q: How long will the special pricing last?


A: This has not yet been determined. It can end at any time, at Pixologic’s discretion. However, we will announce the end of the introductory period at least two weeks ahead of time so that nobody is caught by surprise.


Q: Will the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge (ZBridge) work with my earlier version of ZBrush?

问:将ZBrush KeyShot桥(zbridge)我的以前版本的需要工作吗?

A: No. It will only work with ZBrush 4R7.

答:它只会与ZBrush 4r7工作。

Q: Who supports KeyShot for ZBrush?

问:谁支持Keyshot ZBrush?

A: Although it was developed in close association with Pixologic, KeyShot for ZBrush is a Luxion product and supported by them.

答:虽然是有密切联系的Keyshot Pixologic开发,ZBrush是luxion产品和支持他们。

Q: Who supports the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge (ZBridge)?

问:谁支持的ZBrush KeyShot桥(zbridge)?

A: Although it was developed in close association with Luxion, this is a Pixologic product and is supported by us.


最后我们来看一下Vance Kovacs在zbrush2014峰会上的演示


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cjmkt2016/12/26 14:49
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bechilds2015/02/05 13:24
pianshanchou2015/02/01 19:16
RaiseXue2015/01/31 23:13
wolfliang2015/01/31 20:59
yszxtt2015/01/31 14:45
江纯纯2015/01/31 09:49
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jinhaixiong2015/01/30 18:07