Ornatrix 实时毛发制作
发布于 2017/10/27  |  发表在 [ CG技术分享 ]    浏览 ( 7258 )      6
Ornatrix 实时毛发制作,国外作者的一个制作思路,视频是加速的,英文字幕,可以看下大概的流程,页面下方有该作者完整版售卖信息,感兴趣的可以点击去看看,需要翻墙。

Tutorial by Andrew Krivulya— Full-Time Outsource 3d Generalist – artofcharly@gmail.com

Hello everyone!

I already finished this hair model and uploaded it on CGTrader.

Full hair polycount – 28 846 Tris. My goal is – not more than 30K like as in as in modern NextGen Games.

You can buy this model here for $ 25.95 – https://goo.gl/yK15ah

Or become my patron here and get this model for FREE – https://www.patreon.com/charlytuts

I used Ornatrix and new tools in it for create hair cards and hair planes. Then baked Ornatrix hair with Vray.

The full tutorial with lowpoly hair creation in Ornatrix with eng subs coming soon.

You can watch my 6 hour livestream here(ru_voice) – > https://goo.gl/JjkLZo

Happy viewing and enjoy!

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