发布于 2019/04/22 发表者 [ wukuishou ] 关注 浏览 ( 10091 )  9  3  25  61

The full package! Auto-Rig Pro core, Smart tool (biped body recognition), Fbx export to Unreal/Unity, Remap tool to retarget animation

3.40 is the latest stable release for Blender 2.79, with all features.

3.41 is an experimental release for Blender 2.8


There are currently two versions available for download: 

3.40 is the latest stable release for Blender 2.79, with all features.

3.41 is  an experimental release for Blender 2.8, it's not production ready! You may encounter bugs and issues. It's only for testing and experiments, for informed users who want to play with the rigs in the not-finished-yet Blender 2.8. Please read carefully the doc here

What is Auto-Rig Pro?

Auto-Rig Pro is a set of tools to rig characters, retarget animations, and provide Fbx export for Unity and Unreal Engine.

Want to try first? Download Mike, free character rigged with Auto-Rig Pro here.

Rig features demo

Getting Started with Auto-Rig Pro:

Youtube Channel - Documentation - Frequently Asked Questions

Rig fast with the Smart feature

Position the reference bones so that they match your character proportions. To speed up this process, the smart tool will automatically try to find the body parts locations for you (bipeds only so far). Then, edit the result if needed  (if your character is not a biped/ or for more accuracy), eventually place the facial bones and other extra limbs, and generate the final rig. Based on a non-destructive workflow, the armature remains easily editable anytime after the generation. Check the product documentation and the youtube channel for more informations.

Plays fast, 25fps on these characters (using standard hardware): AnnaKevin

Important note about skinning: If possible, use water-tight geometry for best auto-skinning results. Knowing the bases of Blender's skinning tools, weight painting, to fine tweak the bones influences is recommended. For character made of multiple separate parts, it's best to use the Voxel Skinning addon.

Due to recent API changes, Blender 2.79 is required.

If you encounter any bugs please report it, be assured you'll receive support/bugfix quickly. Updates are free and will remain free. Also make sure to read the FAQ and the documentation.


Customize the rig definition in a few clicks: fingers, toes amount, spine bones, multiple neck bones, tail, breasts, ears and much more. Duplicate or remove limbs to rig spiders, centaurs... or whatever!

Video tutorial, rig a centaur with the multi-limb feature: Centaur Rig

The picker panel dynamically updates, so you can select any bone from the separate panel easily.

Intuitive tool to edit the bone shapes, with automatic mirror:


Customizable UI: fully editable layout, buttons positions, colors, background pictures...


The Remap feature allows retargetting of any armature action to another one, with different bone names and bone orientations, supporting imported .bvh/.fbx armatures for example. It's universal: works with Auto-Rig Pro, Rigify, custom rigs... Define the source armature, the target armature, and the animation will retarget according to the bones names matches and bones original orientation.

It support IK feet, hands for accurate motion tracking, and an interactive offset tool to remap to different characters proportions.

Video: Remapper demo

Additionally, to animate over a motion capture action on an additive layer, check the additive keyer addon (free)! 

Game Engine Export

Auto-Rig Pro allows export to FBX format via a dedicated module, to proven engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine, and probably others not yet tested. Shape keys are transferred as well. 

Three export types: Universal to export a simplified bones hierarchy for any creature, Humanoid for bipeds only, with options for easy retargetting and root motion, and Generic to export the deforming bones and the non-deforming ones if they are parent of the deforming bones.

Twist bones included in option

Unit conversion to initialize the scale transforms to 1.0 in Unity and Unreal

Unreal Mannequin bones hierarchy and naming in option

Full facial, and advanced bones such as tweak bones

Actions baked on the simplified rig

Selective action export

Bring your poses to the next level!

The additive weights controllers offer a unique control over the pose. Located all along the limbs, they've been developed using an innovative system to operate on a second layer of deformation, for fine pose sculpting, cartoon effects, bending, stretching, etc. Two deformations mode in option: Additive (exportable to FBX) and Bendy Bones.

Just use them instead of corrective shape keys, or as a complement. Below a typical leg bent before and after tweaking the secondary controllers.

Tell Me More!

Extensive list of what the addon has to offer:

Automatic bone placement solver based on mesh recognition for bipeds characters. Asymmetrical models supported.

Edit Reference Bones feature to modify the rig anytime you want. No need to redo everything if a bone is not where you want it to be.

Modular: only use what you need. Fingers, toes, ears, breast, adjustable amount of spine, tail, and neck bones. Duplicate or remove limbs to rig creatures with multiple arms and legs.

Fingers auto-rotation option: bend when scaling the first phalange, pre-defined fist pose

Easy controller shape edition

Bone picker: Can be turned on/off, import/export presets. Customizable.

Colors customization

Cartoon compliant: Stretchy spine, legs, arms...

IK-FK snap with autokey working, and snaps properly when unlocking all the leg/forearm rotation axis

IK-FK controllers auto hide

Hybrid IK pole / IK arrow vector

Knees and elbows pinning

Head rotation locked or free

Bend all fingers in one click (fingers grasp), fist pre-defined pose, auto rotation of fingers phalanges from scale

IK/FK eyes

Auto-eyelid rotation

Multiple Child-Of constraints support for the IK hands and feet to change their parent space any time (e.g. if the character is driving a car, hands on the wheel, then grab the car door)

Complete set of secondary controllers for fine pose sculpt

Advanced facial setup with automated placement

Improved skinning based on Blender's heatmaps. Auto-splitting of multiple elements. Compliant with the Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning addon.

Shape keys drivers creation tool

Game engines support, FBX: Unity - Unreal Engine. Generic, Humanoid and Universal rig type

Bone remapper to retarget any armature action to another one, with different bone names and bone orientations. IK support. BVH, FBX files compliant, e.g. Mixamo animations.

Compliant with X-Muscle System for realistic muscles simulation

By buying this addon you support my work and the Blender foundation, its developers financially. A part of each sale is donated to them. It's worth a big thank you from the open source community, helping Blender remaining free and accessible for everyone! And obviously you ensure the funds for this addon next new features, bugfix. I'm making my best to constantly improve the beast, based on users requests and my own ideas. Have quick look at the release log below. You receive a notification when the addon is updated, and download it for free.



Make sure to uninstall the current addon before installing the new one and restart blender.


All features have been ported to Blender 2.8 API.

[WARNING!] 3.41 is currently a beta version: it means it's not ready yet, there may be bugs, crashes. Especially since Blender 2.8 itself is still in beta stage!

It should not be used for production and serious projects. It's only for testing and experiments, for informed users who want to play with the rigs in Blender 2.8. The latest stable release is the 3.40 version for Blender 2.79, download and use it for production usage.


New or improved:

Rig: New "Empty" armature to build a rig from scratch, instead of starting from a biped/quadruped basis. New button to add limbs. New button to adjust the selected limb parameters.

Rig: Disabling a spine bone no more disables the neck and head limbs as well

Rig: Ears bones amount can now be adjusted

Rig: Neck bones amount of duplicated necks can now be adjusted 

Rig: The auto-eyelid rotations are now constrained to avoid aberrant angles

Rig: Update Armature now show an informative line to warn the user to click Match to Rig afterward

Picker: Errors are now better handled, if the target bone is not found or a bone shape is missing, the error is skipped

Fbx Export: Actions can now selectively be removed before exporting

Fbx Export: Root motion option is now available for Universal type

Fbx Export: Added Primary and Secondary bones axis selection


Fbx Export: The simplify value is now set to 0.05 by default, to avoid rotation issues of IK chains.

Fbx Export: Some single limbs could prevent export to work

Fbx Export: "Fix Fbx Bones Rotations" could lead to issues 

Fbx Export: Renaming for UE and exporting the tail as humanoid could lead to wrong parenting

Fbx Export: Exporting only the armature now adds a dummy mesh for correct export

Fbx Export: Multiple ears bones are now exported as Humanoid

Fbx Export: New "Fix Bones Matrix" checkbox in rare cases of incorrect bones rotations export

Rig: The ear bones could not be disabled, breast bones did not deform by default

Rig: With scene units set to 0.01, the legs bones could be defective

Remap: Cancelling the Redefine Rest Pose could not work as expected, fixed the copy bones orientations feature

Remap: Improved Auto-Scale feature


First Auto-Rig Pro release!

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