发布于 2019/06/30 发表者 [ wukuishou ] 关注 浏览 ( 2934 )  5  2  23  45

Ornatrix for 3ds max is a system designed to solve the problem of creating hair and hair-shaped structures. To achieve this goal it employs a variety of tools and automation to allow the user to work in an easy and intuitive environment.

Ornatrix for 3ds max是一个旨在解决头发和头发形状结构问题的系统。为了实现这一目标,它采用了各种工具和自动化,使用户能够在简单直观的环境中工作。


Key features:

Procedural hair

Build hair with a set of friendly operators

Strand groups for non-destructive filtering

Multiple dynamics options for all types of simulation

Familiar iterative refinement workflow

Easy to use groom preset system

Tight 3dsmax integration

Works within 3dsmax modifier and object framework

Friendly toolbar for quick start

Built-in and all 3rd-party renderer support

Easy SDK for access and extensions

Variety of import and export options

Intuitive modeling tools

Brush, comb, and cut hair

Quickly define flow of fur on a surface with arrows

Frizz, curl, clump, and braid hair procedurally

Style hair by dragging control points

Use mesh strips to generate hair

Feathers and foliage

Procedural feathers with control over shape and rotation

Blend multiple UV channels for advanced texturing

Scatter control over materials and shaders

Custom proxy mesh scattering over hair

Propagation controls for growing hair on hair

Whats New:

New: Added Respect Hair Parts option to Clump modifier

New: Added Mesh from Strands “Conform to surface” option

New: Added GUI for MoovPhysics Save/Load/Reset parameters

New: Added Overwrite option to Strand Animation modifier

New: Added an option to save Hair from Guides root data to an Alembic file

New: Clump modifiers options to work in UV space

New: Export/Import Strands Groups with Alembic files

New: Added a curve to multiplier to vary the amount of twisting along strand length

New: Collapsed guides and hair are assigned distribution mesh automatically, where possible

New: Guides from Mesh modifier and object use displacement map channel value

Fixed: Incorrect transform can be assigned when exporting Alembic files with an Up axis different from Z

Fixed: Clump modifier can produce incorrect results for flat patterns

Fixed: Edit Guides changes strand shape rotation when only moving roots on surface

Numerous internal changes

Fixed: Hair strands become transparent when using Edged Faces display mode

Fixed: Max crashes when cloning a hair object with a Moov modifier

Fixed: Alembic files are loaded automatically when collapsing a stack in BakedHair object

Fixed: Generate Guide Data modifier target channel index does not align with 3dsmax vertex color texture’s input index

Fixed: Moving root after shape changes can rotate the strand

Fixed: Assertion when running MassFX dynamics with a non-uniformly scaled base surface

Fixed: Copying Arnold modifier crashes 3dsmax

Fixed: Strand Multiplier modifier doesn’t set target group

Fixed: Strand groups are not imported from Alembic files

Fixed: Hair from Guides crash when selecting anything other than Vertex Distribution for Root Distriburion on top of a teapot

Fixed: MoovPhysics GUI is fully implemented only for Max 2018+

Fixed: Max crashes in scene with Moov and Detail

Fixed: Strand Groups not working with ChangeWidth modifier

Fixed: Reloading scene with Edit Guides on top of Baked Guides destroys shape changes

Fixed: Oscillator: Hair don’t move during animation

Compatibility: 3DsMax 2014-2019 (64Bit)

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