Extreme Pbr Combo Edition 800+ Materials Addon For Blender 2.8(含使用教程)
发布于 2019/08/07 发表者 [ wukuishou ] 关注 浏览 ( 5636 )  9  4  23  48

Extreme Pbr Combo Edition 800+ Materials Addon For Blender 2.8(含使用教程)


Blender 2.8 Eevee:

In these 2 examples we can see the automatic creation  mask for transparent channel  

Blender 2.79 Cycles:

This ↓↓ is just the material you see  ↑↑

 How much time did you save?

Work fine on blender 2.79 and 2.8 (2.8 is a beta version for now, but I tested it and work nice)

More than 800 people around the world use Extreme PBR, we are happy to have achieved this small goal, we ourselves have more than 10 years of experience in 3D work and we are trying to solve the timing issues for professionals who always have a very fast delivery time restricted, every day we work on suggestions from our customers to bring improvements.

  • Believe me:

With this addon you will save a lot of time, we guarantee you 100%

Now you can use your textures, or download new materials from the most famous sites, such as textures.com or poliigon.com and many others, you can save the materials in your library, see the description!

A large collection of ready-to-use textures in 2k format:

We chose 2k because we know well that overcoming this format is risky for our customers, as higher formats would require exaggerated amounts of GPU ram and a considerable space on hard disk, but with the new combo version you will be able to insert your materials based on textures of larger dimensions through the new "Shader Maker" which allows you to insert even textures greater than 2k 4k 8k, you can create new materials based also on 16k (provided that your Computer has enough memory for this)

If you have any questions contact us, we are very happy to answer!

All materials are categorized and managed through a easy interface with the preview:

57 categories organized  for 800+  materials 

Smart copy of materials and displacement:

  • Here are some tools you will like:

  • New UVs Editor:

  • This is still an experiment, we hope you like it, check the UVs mapping, so you can act on single or multiple faces. we decided to release it as Beta, we are happy to work on customer suggestions:

Now version 2.0 is available at a lower price than before. For blender 2.79 and blender 2.8  (Old version where it was not possible to save materials, create new ones, move UVs maps and much more)

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