Yeti是Peregrine Labs开发的皮毛羽毛Maya插件,用于生成皮毛、羽毛和树叶。工具集的开发作为一个端到端解决方案,很容易集成到最轻松管道和构建目标,有效地运输和呈现数据的生成,同时保持一个艺术家友好的工作流程。
支持渲染引擎包括:MtoA,Arnold,VRay 4.12,Renderman 22.5,3Delight 12.0.113,Redshift 2.6.43,Clarisse 4.0 SP2b
Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, VRay 4.12, Renderman 22.5, 3Delight 12.0.113, Redshift 2.6.43, Clarisse 4.0 SP2b
Updated to MtoA 3.3.0 and Arnold 5.4.0.
Implemented Automatic Parting on Groom nodes, this uses an angle threshold to automatically modulate strand weights to make creating hair parts more easily.
Part Randomness parameter will now modulate the painted part_randomness attribute on Grooms.
integrated a new Volumetric guide model, all guides will default to this with the option to toggle between Volumetric (defalut) and Shape Matching (original) on each input guide curve.
re-implemented Twist into new Volumetric guide model.
added Random Twist as a new guide curve parameter.
replaced Base and Tip Attraction with an Attraction Profile using a curve to define the shape along the length of the input Guide.
added Max Clump Influences to the Guide node, by default it is 1 (as previous releases) but this allows users to increase the number of guides used for clumping (Attraction).
added a new File node to read external geometry (Curves and Meshes) into the graph via Alembic files.
added Alembic Exporter to pgYetiCommand using the -writeAlembic argument, this will write an evaluated Yeti node into an Alembic file across a frame range including multiple time samples.
A nodes Render density, width and length will be used by default when exporting an Alembic cache but can be overridden with the -alembicDensity, -alembicWidth and -alembicLength command line parameters.
Added a new Switch utility node.
Integrated OpenImageIO for better resource usage and more flexible image format support.
Added ‘Obey Density’ option for relaxation during scatter.
added the option to select either Parametric (3.1.x and below style) or Projection (new, and default) based texture coordinates for feathers.
Added Disable Surface Collision to brush options.
Strand end point positions can now be locked by holding the C key while sculpting.
A point is now drawn at the base of all Groom strands, even if zero length, to ensure better strand visualization.
Added node deletion command to pgYetiGraph command.
pgYetiPreRender will be removed from the render globals when the last Yeti node has been removed from a scene.
added a Seed attribute to Braids.
added the option to bake input mesh texture coordinates to vertices (vs. per face per vertex) in the Attribute node accessible as a vtxcoord vector attribute.
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