发布于 2019/10/08 发表者 [ wukuishou ] 关注 浏览 ( 8012 )  17  4  23  68





Note on 2.8 version: 

Speedflow and companion are available on Blender 2.8 (alpha stage)! 

You can use them if you want, but it will be normal to experience bugs and issues since the add-ons are in alpha stage.

I post the addon only because people are asking, so, no need to report bugs and issues at this time.

Just use the addons and update them when the new version will be available ;)


Speedflow is a group of 9 modals who allows you to improve dramatically your workflow for modeling! With the addon, you can manage modifiers directly in the 3D view as simple and fast as possible. Select an object, launch a modal and add multiple modifiers on the fly, launch another modal, add others modifiers and make your modeling faster than if you had to create modifiers by yourself.  

What is a modal?

A modal is a mode where you can perform multiple actions. In Speedflow we created 9 modals and in each modal you can make different things like creating a modifier, change settings of this modifier, add subdivisions, move cursor, etc. Blender use modals for the Knife, the Bevel, etc, this is really powerful and we made 9 really powerful modals who help you to speed up your workflow on Blender. See the documentation and Speedflow home page for more information. http://www.pitiwazou.com/speedflow/   Let's see what each modal can do ;)    

- CUTTER - (2.8)

With the Cutter Modal, you can cut your object really fast.

You can:

  • cut

  • Make Union 

  • Make Rebool (make the reverse)

  • Create lines 

The cutter is really easy to use and really fast!

You can use all the possibilities of Speedflow.


With the Array modal you can manage multiple Array Modifiers directly in the modal!   

You can :

  • Array Circular (2.8)

  • Change the direction of the Array

  • Add/Remove multiples Arrays

  • Create Arrays on Curves

  • Create cables easily with Start and End Caps

  • Change the object on the curve

  • Etc.



With the Boolean modal you can add multiple Boolean Modifiers to your selection!  

 You can :

  • Change the operation of the boolean, IntersectionDifferenceUnion

  • Add/Remove booleans

  • Make a Rebool (inverse boolean)

  • Switch between booleans with a feedback

  • You have an auto-update if you have a Bevel modifier

  • Etc.


With the Bevel modal, you can add Bevel modifiers on your selection. This modal allows you to work on two modes, subdiv and Nosubdiv.   

You can :

  • Add a Bevel on multiple objects

  • Works with Subdiv and Nosubdiv assets

  • Each mode can be edited in the addon preferences

  • The Bevel is updated by the booleans depending on the mode (Subdiv/Nosubdiv)

  • Etc.




With the Tubify modal you can create cables in one click!   

You can :

  • Create a cable from a curve or a mesh with only edges

  • Change the Depth, Resolutions U & V

  • Convert the cable in polygon

  • Use profiles

  • Change profiles in the modal

  • Etc.



With the Symmetrize modal, you can create symmetrize on multiple axis and objects!  

 You can :

  • Create symmetrize and choose the axis

  • Change the axis and choose the direction of the symmetrize

  • Combine axis

  • Change the default axis in the preferences

  • Etc.



With the Mirror modal, you can create mirrors on your selection and add multiple mirror modifiers!   

You can :

  • Create a mirror and combine axis (XY, and Z)

  • Create a mirror with an object as the reference

  • Keep the transforms of the object

  • Change the default axis in the preferences (+X or -X)

  • Etc.



With the Rotate modal, you can rotate with increments!   

You can :

  • Rotate with increments, 45°10° and 

  • Rotate in global and Local

  • Change the Pivot for the rotate

  • Snap the pivot directly in the modal

  • Etc.


- Solidify -

With the Solidify modal, you can add Solidify on your selection!   

You can :

  • Add a Solidify on multiple objects

  • Change the settings, Offset, Even Offset, Fill Rim etc

  • Add Bevel and Subsurf directly in the modal

  • Etc.


With the Subsurf modal, you can add a Subsurf modifier on your selection!  

 You can :

  • Add a Subsurf on multiple objects

  • Remove the Subsurf on multiple objects too, to clean your scene of Subsurf modifiers

  • Change settings, Opensubiv, Optimal display

  • Etc.


On Blender 2.8 you will have a lot more Modals!

  • WEIGHTED NORMALS - Clean the normals of the mesh


  • CURVE - Add Curve modifier on your selection


  • DISPLACE -  Displace on X, Y or Z-axis in Object and Edit mode


  • SCREW - Revolve profiles, combine Screw modifiers too


  • DECIMATE - Clean the planar surfaces


  • SIMPLE DEFORM - Bend your object


  • EDGE SPLIT - Cut your object by adding sharp edges.


  • TRIANGULATE - Triangulate on Ngons


  • SKIN - Add Thickness to Edges.


  • WIREFRAME - Add Wire to your objects


  • MOD VISIBILITY - Show/Hide modifiers of your objects.





  The Addon allows you to add custom settings to fit your workflow. You can choose which type of menu you want to use.  

  • Pie menu

  • Normal menu

  • Tab 

  You can choose between a pen or mouse to work with. You can change settings from modals directly in the preferences.  

  • Choose the type of bevel (Subdiv or nor Subdiv) and change settings

  • Tubify options

  • Array settings (Relative or constant)

  • Symmetrize axis (+X or -X) depending on which side you work

  • Boolean settings

  • Rotate axis

  You can also customize the text in the 3D view  

  • Choose the color and the size

  • Change the position

  • Activate shadows

  • etc.



With Speedflow you can use Speedflow companion, a second addon really useful to manage your modelings.   

You can :

  • Create primitives for fast booleans

  • Manage Sharps (Bevel weight, Crease Sharp)

  • Relax wire, clean faces, select Ngons

  • Works with curves

  • Etc


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