Lighting Box (Next-Gen Lighting Solution) 2.7.7 unity3d asset U3D插件
发布于 2018/07/04 发表者 [ BRANT1314 ] 关注 浏览 ( 3660 )  1  0  23  33

***Added HD Render Pipeline Integration*** 

This is a real time saver solution to get AAA looking lighting in a few seconds or minutes even without any lighting experience

Turn your Unity's Lighting Workflow very similar to Unreal Engine's workflow and only focus on your scene design instead of the wasting your time on finding a proper lighting settings for all light parameters !!! 

Works well with HD render pipeline with post processing stack 2 support

Quick start install/import guide

Tutorials playlist 1
Tutorials playlist 2
Tree Creator Tutorials 

Lighting Box 2 has been re designed to help you get the desired result in the shortest possible time 

With a lot of Sample projects, shaders and video tutorials in latest update 2.6 version 

New "Interior Sample Project" for Lighting Box 2.5+ with new tutorials series to bake in fastest possible time using unity's Progressive Lightmapper (few hours => few minutes 

New Stochastic Screen Space Reflection integration
New shaft shaft effect integration with proper settings for all platforms
New Depth of Field and Screen Space 
Reflection options will help you to get maximum quality and performance in few seconds. 

+ Included high quality sample project and scenes 

High quality tessellated terrain shader with maximum performance + Amplify Shader Editor source. + easy to use Terrain controller component 

Supports for Interior and Outdoor scenes 

Drag and drop in game Settings Menu to get access to Quality,Display and Effects settings. 

Fully support of the Post Processing Stack 2, True Volumetric Light and Global fog assets and effects both for forward and deferred rendering 

Easy to use Depth Of field for everyone with Auto focus Feature. 

+ A lot of the videos 

Features : 
- A real time saver solution
- Save and Load settings to/from lighting profiles
- Drag and drop settings menu
- Post Processing Stack 2 support
- Based on the best post effect settings
- Tessellated terrain shader
- POM and Tessellation shaders
- Distance based particle shader (Like Frostbite game engine)
- High quality sun lens flare with maximum performance + Tutorials to make a new one based on the other games
- Night and Snow sample scenes

Note: Lighting Box 2 is only available on 5.6+ 

Made by customers:

Watch Video 1
Watch Video 2 
Watch Video 3 

My other complete game kits: 

Interior Lighting Kit 
ArchViz Lighting Kit
Hill Climb Template
Off-Road Truck Template
Real Drift Manager
Traffic Ride Template
Car Parking Kit 2
Bus Parking Kit 2
Real ArchViz Sample
Car Parking Template 3

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