Pilgway Studios is glad to announce 3D-Coat 4.5 is officially released and available for download now! This particular update has taken us a while to deliver, but we made sure to include a whole LOT of new, great features to make 3D-Coat a more versatile and powerful 3D painting and digital sculpting tool.
Check out our video presentation and a short list of new features implemented in 3D-Coat 4.5 below. Owners of 3D-Coat 4 and 4.1 can upgrade for free.
Important notice! From May 28, 2015 till June 15, 2015 we offer a special launch discount of $45 (US dollars) on Full Professional and the Floating licenses. Enjoy!
Key features introduced in 4.5:
Physically Based Rendering & Smart Materials!
Groups for Paint Layers!
New Symmetry modes!
Seamless painting over multiple UV meshes!
Bas-relief and Undercuts now have Tapering angle. Useful for 3D-printing.
AntiBump smoothing method for sculpting! Allows achieving ideally smooth surface even on a high-frequency detailing.
Key Updates in 4.5:
Multiple Paint Room changes, incl. Compatibility/GGX/Blinn-phong shading; HDR support for panoramas and a lot more.
Numerous Retopo/UV/ Render Room Changes, incl. Retopo with symmetry improved; New Retopo tool – Scale implemented and a lot more.
Multiple Sculpt Room Changes, incl. New style for Primitives UI; Constructor tool introduced; Tapering implemented and a lot more.
As always, that is just a small portion of innovations that awaits you in 3D-Coat 4.5! Follow this link to discover the complete list of features and changes introduced: 3d-coat.com/3d-coat-45/
Download 3D-Coat 4.5 here: 3d-coat.com/download/
About 3D-Coat
3D-Coat is the one application that has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay all the way to a production ready, fully textured organic or hard surface model. 3D-Coat is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Russian languages. The official website of 3D-Coat is www.3d-coat.com
Visit 3D-Coat gallery or video channel to find out even more about the app.
Ukrainian PILGWAY company was founded in 2007 by Andrew Shpagin, previously the Lead Programmer at GSC Game World’s strategy department. Under his management such hits as Cossacks and American Conquest series were released. The main direction of PILGWAY activity is development of 3D-Coat program and ‘The Pilgrim’s Journey’ interactive application based on the Christian bestseller.
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